I’m currently working on CG animated backdrops for Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds live show! – Here are some stills from the ‘Prequel’ sequence on the surface of Mars.
I’m currently working on CG animated backdrops for Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds live show! – Here are some stills from the ‘Prequel’ sequence on the surface of Mars.
mick sorahan
July 13, 2010
Absolutely awesome images of Mars Adam!!
Any chance you can sneak the small earth sent remote ‘mars roving vehicle’ in there somewhere?? lol
July 13, 2010
lol! – yeah wouldnt that be cool – if I can slip it in on a flyover sequence I am doing I will, although with the timeline of this version of WotW, nothing terrestrial had made it to the moon yet! :), but then I guess if we are being subversive…